I International Congress
Science and Typhlology
Blindness in the Scientific Context
I International Congress
Science and Typhlology
Blindness in the Scientific Context
June 15, 16 and 17, 2021, streaming from Castelo de Vide
(Some written communications will be available in due course)
1st Panel – Educommunication, Art and Culture – Moderation by Professor Alberto Trovão do Rosário *2*
2nd Panel - Haptic Perception Development and Multisensory Supplementation in Social Equity - Moderation Master Susana Juzarte (Member of the CPTEI Supervisory Board) *3*
3rd Panel - Science and Technology in Habilitation/Rehabilitation Engineering, Accessibilities and Usability - moderated by Professor Fernanda Souto Bessa (Secretary-General of the NGOD Causa Maior and Vice-President of the Board of the General Assembly of the CPTEI) *4*
4th Panel - Spatial, Urban and Web Design Ergonomics, for Orientation and Mobility with Autonomy and Independence - moderated by Dr. Alexandre Cordeiro (Chairman of the CPTEI Supervisory Board) *5*
15th of June
Inauguration of the 1st phase of the Center for Living Experience - Museum of Tiflology
Inauguration Exhibition "Perfumed Garden" at the Art and Culture Center FNSE - curated by Lúcia Bertazzo
Opening Session of the Congress and Musical Moment
June 16
1st Panel - Educommunication, Art and Culture
2nd Panel - Perceptual Haptic Development and Multisensory Supplement in Social Equity
June 17
3rd Panel - Science and Technology in Habilitation / Rehabilitation Engineering, Accessibility and Usability
4th Panel - Spatial, Urban and Web Design Ergonomics, for Orientation and Mobility with Autonomy and Independence
Portuguese Center for Typhology (CPTEI)
Our Lady of Hope Foundation (FNSE)
Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (ULHT)
Organizing committee
João Palmeiro
João Guimarães
David Vaqueiro
Ana Assis Pacheco
Augusto Deodato Guerreiro
Manuel de Azevedo Antunes
Manuel da Costa Leite
Maria de Lurdes Guerreiro​
scientific commission
Augusto Deodato Guerreiro
Ana Assis Pacheco
Carlos Mourão Pereira
Esmeraldo de Azevedo
João Palmeiro
Manuel de Azevedo Antunes
Manuel da Costa Leite
Maria de Lurdes Guerreiro
Serafim Queirós
Honor Commission
His Excellency Dr. Jorge Sampaio, Former President of the Republic
His Excellency Professor Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca, President of the Republic of Cape Verde (to be confirmed)
Doctor Graça Maria da Fonseca, Minister of Culture (To be confirmed)
Architect Ângela Carvalho Ferreira, Assistant Secretary of State and Cultural Heritage
Drª Sofia Sofia Antunes, Secretary of State for Inclusion of People with Disabilities (To be confirmed)
Doctor Edmundo Martinho, Provider of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
Professor Doctor Mário Caneva Moutinho, Rector of the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies
Professor Alberto Trovão do Rosário, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ONGD Causa Maior and of the Board of the General Assembly of CPTEI
Professor Fernanda Souto Bessa, Secretary-General of the NGO Causa Maior and Vice-President of CPTEI
Professor Professor Judite Santos Primo, Director of the Museology Area at ULHT (to be confirmed)
Dr. Humberto Santos, President of the National Institute for Rehabilitation
Drª Ana Paula Amendoeira, Regional Director of Culture of Alentejo
Professor Maria Romeiras, Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA Lisboa
Dr Albano Silva, President of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre
Professor Ana Costa Freitas, Dean of the University of Évora
Professor Doctor Judite Medina do Nascimento, Rector of the University of Cape Verde (tbc)
António Manuel das Neves Nobre Pita, Mayor of Castelo de Vide
Opening Table
Dr João Palmeiro (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação Nossa Senhora da Esperança)
Awaits title
Professor Augusto Deodato Guerreiro (President of the Portuguese Center for Tiflology, CPTEI)
«Science and Typhlology: Tiflocientíficos Variables for Inclusion in Quality and Equitable Opportunities»
1st Panel - Educommunication, Art and Culture
Professor Amanda Tojal, Ph.D. (ArteInclusão)
"The contribution of the Multisensory Experience to the appreciation of Works of Art of people who are blind or have low vision"
Architect Ana Assis Pacheco, Ph.D (CEHR / UCP)
Awaits title
Professor Armando Malheiro da Silva, Ph.D (University of Porto)
«Infocommunication and Educommunication with the Blind Person»
Professor Manuel de Azevedo Antunes, Ph.D (ULHT)
Awaits title
Jean Devost (painter and sculptor)
Cours de peinture pour malvoyants
Maria José Sanchez Lorenzo (Museo ONCE)
Awaits title
Professor Manuel Costa Leite, Ph.D (ULHT)
Awaits title
Professor Zélia Belo Torres, Ph.D (Piaget Institute)
Inclusive Educommunication: Pedagogical Strategies for Students with Low Vision
2nd Panel - Perceptual Haptic Development and Multisensory Supplement in Social Equity
Architect Carlos Mourão Pereira, Ph.D (CiTUA, IST-ULisboa)
«The Multisensory Potential of Including the Condition of Blindness in the Teaching of Architecture»
Professor Carlota Brazileiro, Ph.D (Piaget Institute)
Didactics of Mathematics for Blind Children in an Inclusive Context
Professor Hélder Bértolo, Ph.D (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Visual Processing in Congenitally Blind: a model for visual imagery in the absence of visual perception
Professor Jorge Vilela de Carvalho, Director of the Sports Department of the IPDJ, IP
Communication in the area of ​​psychomotricity and Sports Dynamics for Blind People in an Inclusive Context
Professor Serafim Queirós (Master in Special Education FMH / ULisboa)
«Synthesis of the Neuroscience, Psychology and Physiology Studies of the Haptic Perception Circumscribed to the Percetivocognitive Function of the Hand»
Professor Vítor da Fonseca, Ph.D (FMH / ULisboa)
The Role of Haptic Exploration in the Learning of the Blind Person
3rd Panel - Science and Technology in Habilitation / Rehabilitation Engineering, Accessibility and Usability
Engineer Edwin Valdés (Executive Director of TifloEduca, Colombia)
Engineering: Universal Design for effective habilitation and rehabilitation
Professor Francisco Godinho, Ph.D (UTAD / SUPERA)
Research in Rehabilitation Engineering for the autonomy of people with visual impairments over time
Professor José António Borges, Ph.D (UFRJ / Brazil)
Mathematics for blind students, from elementary school to the University: an inclusive methodology based on the intensive use of computational tools.
Researcher Professor Maria Romeiras Amado, Ph.D (Institute of Contemporary History / UNLisboa)
«On the Ubiquity of the Virtual in Research: Relevance of Accessibility in the Availability of Historical, Sociological and Cultural Resources Online»
Mestre Vera Rapagão (Raquel and Martin Sain Foundation)
Dealing with a Pandemic: Distance Learning Experiences for Blind and Low Vision People
4th Panel - Spatial, Urban and Web Design Ergonomics, for Orientation and Mobility with Autonomy and Independence
Professor Domingos Rasteiro, Ph.D (Piaget Institute)
«Blind People and Inclusive Cities: An Emerging Need»
Fredric K. Schroeder, Ph.D (President, World Blind Union)
Autonomous Vehicles and the Blind: Expanding Opportunities for Full Integration
Dr. Jorge Fernandes (AMA / Portugal)
«Online Public Services in Portugal: Support Technologies in Parameterizing Accessibility and Usability for People with Visual Disabilities»
Professor Júlio Damas Paiva (Master in Special Education by FMH / ULisboa)
«Orientation and Mobility: Absence of Discourse in this Domain»
Professor Leonor Moniz Pereira, Ph.D (FMH - ULisboa)
Sensory Information in Orientation and Mobility: the Development of the Blind Child in this Context
Dr. Rodrigo Santos (President of the National Directorate of ACAPO)
“Participated administration as a paradigm for the realization of inclusive society - the role and participation of people with visual impairments in the construction of inclusive public policies”
(speakers to be confirmed)
Lic. Matías Ferreyra, President Latin American Union of the Blind (ULAC)
Robin Spinks (Senior Innovation Manager, RNIB)
Fondation Valentin Haüy