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57 items found

  • Tiflologia |

    Typhlology Systematic, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study on the issue of blindness (as a Human and Social Science), in a theoretical-empirical and scientific context, whose first term, understood as the genesis of terminology and conceptuality, emerged in the 19th century, was Tiflophilia ( attachment/dedication to the blind person's cause/problem). ​ Typhlology is a vast epistemic field intertwined with diverse scientific affinities, which deals with perceptive, somatosensory and kinesthetic haptic research and development, echolocation and locomotion (orientation and mobility), multisensory and ergoeducational, cognitive and sociocognitive, infocommunicational and sociocommunicational, biopsychosocial and human of blind people, thus seeking to maximize diversity, in the sphere of the ecology of knowledge and well-being, and, in this diversity, promoting equity in quality and opportunities for all, demonstrably demonstrating the potential and skills of blind people, in analogy with those of visually impaired people, in the social, ethical and civic world, in which we are all obliged, by duty and citizenship, to contribute to their development and progress. definition typhlologists library Connections

  • Programação |

    Programação Anual Fevereiro Clique na imagem para aceder à informação Abril Projeto Educativo Junho ​ Encontro de antigos alunos do Asilo de Cegos de Castelo de Vide ​ Março Mês da Matemática - clique na imagem para mais informação Maio Encontro de Museologia (em desenvolvimento) Julho A Arte Tátil - Exposição por Lucia Beijlsmit

  • Jardim Sensorial |

    Manuel da Costa Leite Sensory Garden Technological Project Putting trees to talk or The Talking Olivetrees 3 of the 37 olive trees in the garden will participate in an experiment that combines Identification Technologies, Acoustic Technologies and Dialogic Algorithmia A research process that projects a future in which the talking devices will in many cases be purely and simply complements [or even substitutes] for subtitles, labels ...

  • Museu |

    2021-03-10 We are a family owned and operated business. OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE PLACE We are a family owned and operated business. Built on a 17th century bastion, belonging to the defensive line built around Castelo de Vide more than 300 years ago, the 'Museum of Typhology / Center of Live Experience', results from the delicate architectural recovery. We are a family owned and operated business. The work that has now been done was intended not only to give new use to a beautiful century-old warehouse that existed there, but to preserve and enhance the balanced urban and architectural fabric of the historic center of Castelo de Vide, and also to contribute to the conservation of the city. 17th century Military Architecture, which marks the entire landscape of the Alentejo streak. We are a family owned and operated business. It was in the context of the lengthy and dramatic 28 years of the Restoration Wars of Portugal's independence, which began during the reign of King João IV, that defensive lines, forts and forts throughout the country were planned and built, not just along the border with Spain. , as well as along the entire continental coastline and Atlantic islands. From that period, Portugal still maintains an important Baroque architectural heritage of military genesis, mostly characterized by buildings over 300 years old, which need to be restored. We are a family owned and operated business. Thus, our work, having considered the importance of the place, recovering an existing building in it, will certainly contribute to the preservation of this historic landscape and consequently to the consolidation of the urban fabric of the historic center of Castelo de Vide. A coluna de Bronze, hino do Asilo dos Ce 00:00 / 01:36 FNSE hymn played by Philharmonic Enarmonia ABOUT THE BUILDING We are a family owned and operated business. With sober and wise lines of beautiful vernacular architecture and ample interior space, the centenary warehouse took advantage of the angular geometry of the bastion, extending the inclined planes, and therefore its shape is also trapezoidal. We are a family owned and operated business. The interesting ensemble, in which the lower part is covered with the stone left open and the upper part is a white volume, is distinguished by the clarity of the two parts: in stone we see the bastion, in white we see the old warehouse. Cohesive set, warehouse-bastion, it was from him that this new Museum was born. We are a family owned and operated business. The vernacular architecture of the old warehouse, which was once built on the classical architecture of the bastion, is now valued for having considered the antiquity of its stones, the importance of the place and the historic landscape of Castelo de Vide. We are a family owned and operated business. The Museum building also takes advantage of the physical connection to an olive grove that belongs to it and that runs on a terrace facing east, a terrace limited to the north by a high section of wall covered with stone, and limited to the south by a low wall also in stone. In it, visitors can have contact with Nature. Text and Photographs by Ana Assis Pacheco The museum

  • Dia Mundial do Braille |


  • 1º painel |

    1st Panel - Educommunication, Art and Culture We are a family owned and operated business. Professor Amanda Tojal, Ph.D. (ArteInclusão) “The contribution of the Multisensory Experience to the appreciation of Works of Art of people who are blind or have low vision”. Architect Ana Assis Pacheco, Ph.D (CEHR / UCP) Awaits title Professor Armando Malheiro da Silva, Ph.D (University of Porto) «Infocommunication and Educommunication with the Blind Person» Professor Manuel de Azevedo Antunes, Ph.D (ULHT) Awaits title Professor Manuel Costa Leite, Ph.D (ULHT) Awaits title Professor Zélia Belo Torres, Ph.D (Piaget Institute) Inclusive Educommunication: Pedagogical Strategies for Students with Low Vision

  • Centro de Investigação |

    Research Center in Typhlology Augusto Deodato Guerreiro Research, Training and Consultancy in the area of ​​accessibility and usability in socio museology, with a particular focus on the needs of blind people. We are a family owned and operated business. Research and development in “Ergonomic Studies - Spatial and Multisensory in Diversity and Equity in Socio Museology” We are a family owned and operated business. Conducting specific training focused on socio-museological skills to be developed in equity for blind and visually impaired people. We are a family owned and operated business. Conducting ergonomic-spatial / cosmic sensory studies We are a family owned and operated business. Relationship and interaction with the environment, mobility in the environment, autonomy and independence in the morphological and geographic spaces of the Vila de Castelo de Vide and historical cultural surroundings Get in touch Augusto Deodato Guerreiro We are a family owned and operated business. Born in Alvalade Sado, Graduated in History (ULisboa), Postgraduate in Documentary Sciences (UCoimbra), Doctor in Communication Sciences, Communication and Culture Specialty (UNL), Aggregate in Communication Sciences, Communication and Culture Specialty (UTAD) . Full Professor with Aggregation (ECATI / ULHT), there founding and directing the Master in Alternative Communication and Support Technologies, the PGs in “Special Education - Blind and Low Vision Students”, “Inclusive Communication in Early Childhood Intervention” and “ Communication and Cultural Mediation in the City for All ", Free Courses in" Braille "," Audio Description "and" Accessibility and Usability Web / E-Learning ", Researcher at CICANT / ECATI / ULHT, President of the Portuguese Center for Tiflology / FNSE, Director / Advanced research advisor / PhD and Post-PhD in Portugal and abroad. In his higher technical career (CMLisboa), he became Principal Advisor (Libraries and Documentation), there founding and directing the Cultural Reference Office - Interactive Pole of Special Resources, Cultural Dynamization: Audio / Digital Magazine and Cultural Activities in Municipal Libraries. It deepens pedagogical, educational and cultural issues, in a holistic perspective on inclusive equity, in the areas of Communication, Information and Education Sciences. Scientific director / author / co-author of about four and a half dozen books and author of more than three and a half hundred articles.

  • Julho |

    Exposição de Esculturas Táteis Jardim Sensorial Manuel da Costa Leite Por Lucia Beijlsmit ​ O título desta exposição reflete sua essência: revelar o que a pedra Escondido no seu interior. Na Holanda, a presença de rochas é escassa, já que o subsolo é composto principalmente de lama e areia. Portanto, foi uma enorme surpresa descobrir a diversidade de pedras no ambiente onde vive. Granito, ardósia, diabasa, mármore, arenito, calcário: para um escultor, esta variedade é um tesouro inesgotável. ​ As rochas abrigam veias, rupturas, cores, cristais e brilhos, até contêm fósseis, encapsulando vida dentro das rochas, das quais mal temos ideia. Eles carregam consigo uma história. Por exemplo, a diabase, uma rocha de origem vulcânica presente nesta área, pode ter uma antiguidade de até 400.000.000 anos. Encontra a diabasa na forma de bolas redondas, peças irregulares e até pedaços enormes de 700 ou 800 quilos. Imagina que, em épocas passadas, as bolas menores eram usadas como armas de arremesso contra os inimigos ou como projéteis de canhão. O calcário, uma rocha sedimentar, formou-se no fundo do mar a partir de inúmeras conchas que foram depositadas durante centenas de milhões de anos. Ao esculpir o calcário, às vezes descubre fósseis dessas conchas. Quando o calcário é aquecido e derretido devido a movimentos tectônicos e altas temperaturas, sua composição química muda e o mármore, uma rocha metamórfica, é formado. O mármore que utiliza vem de Portugal. Toda a sua obra é feita com a técnica de escultura direta em pedra. O objetivo é preservar ao máximo todas as propriedades distintivas de cada rocha e mostrar-lhes o devido respeito. Além disso, deseja destacar as propriedades que não são facilmente perceptíveis, tirando-as à luz. Ao mesmo tempo, tenta danificar a pedra o mínimo possível ao adicionar o seu toque pessoal. ​ Procura enfatizar os contrastes em cores, linhas e formas, tanto nas superfícies naturais como naquelas que lavreu e poliu. Procura sempre assimetria, linhas que se torcem, inclinadas ou oblíquas, formas curvas e retas, bem como linhas e formas que sejam naturais e orgânicas. Urna excavada 2023 Diabasa 41x29x24cm ZigZag Equilibrio Bovedas - Alv

  • braille library |

    Manuel da Costa Leite Sensory Garden Available for consultation and investigation Catalog of Available Books get in touch

  • Workshop 3 |

    Program Watch the Workshop

  • jardim1 |

    Sensory Garden (c) CEV/MT / Ana Luísa Cruz

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