2nd Panel - Perceptual Haptic Development and Multisensory Supplement in Social Equity
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Architect Carlos Mourão Pereira, Ph.D (CiTUA, IST-ULisboa)
«The Multisensory Potential of Including the Condition of Blindness in the Teaching of Architecture»
Professor Carlota Brazileiro, Ph.D (Piaget Institute)
Didactics of Mathematics for Blind Children in an Inclusive Context
Professor Hélder Bértolo, Ph.D (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Visual Processing in Congenitally Blind: a model for visual imagery in the absence of visual perception
Professor Jorge Vilela de Carvalho, Director of the Sports Department at IPDJ, IP
Communication in the area of psychomotricity and Sports Dynamics for Blind People in an Inclusive Context
Professor Serafim Queirós (Master in Special Education FMH / ULisboa)
«Synthesis of the Neuroscience, Psychology and Physiology Studies of the Haptic Perception Circumscribed to the Percetivocognitive Function of the Hand»
Professor Vítor da Fonseca, Ph.D (FMH / ULisboa)
The Role of Haptic Exploration in the Learning of the Blind Person